Uncovering the Startup Ecosystem in Thailand: An In-Depth Analysis

Jan 30, 2023

The Thailand Innovation Club offers members from local conglomerates, government agencies, educational institutes, and entrepreneurs a chance to work together to develop the startup scene, driving sustainable economic and societal change in Thailand. We at Sasin Sustainability & Entrepreneurship Center were tasked to conduct research on the state of the local startup ecosystem and to suggest recommendations. 


Our report has recently been published and is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. What sets this report apart is its focus on real-world, practical recommendations, and on-ground analysis, giving readers an unparalleled, first-hand look at the pulse of the Thai startup ecosystem. By offering insights from key stakeholders and backing them up with hard data, the report is a rare, in-depth glimpse into the trends and challenges shaping the future of startups in Thailand.

This is the Baseline Study 2022 report, and you can read the full document with the link below:

